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Våra Leverantörer
Dubiel accoustics
A few words about us.
Our small, independent company was
in 1979, the wave of demand for
various electronic devices (mainly
amplifiers). Insufficiency and poor quality I Started
existing devices on the Polish market,
caused the growing interest
products produced by private
manufacturers. We decided to make this market.
Founder and head of the company: Boguslaw Dubiel (photo 1979)
A bit of history ....
Year 1969 - the first amplifier in the lamp ECL 86 to turntable with crystal insert.( source of music were then often postcards Sound)
1971 - First fascination transistors to build a stereo amplifier
2 x 10 W germanium transistors AD142.Pierwszy contact with speakers
"compact" Hungarian label "Videoton"
1973 - amplifier with 2 x 60 W 2N3055 silicon transistors.
1975 - purchase of a turntable with MM cartridge "Fonomaster" (now only music took blushes)
1976 - Various Devices transistor (disco mixers, power amplifiers,
Our products are from this period were under the name "BDSound"
1977 - the first guitar amplifier transistor, unfortunately, was poorly rated by musicians which forced us to develop a tube amp. Served as a prototype for the old "Marshall" on loan for 1day from the Hungarian group "Scorpio" It was not an exact copy, because some elements could not win but the amp was good. He had, among other things transformer from the TV network "Rubin 710" and the voice amplifier outputs from Polish "Bis 100". Musicians were satisfied. From that time began? Us closer to familiarize themselves with the lamps and their applications, despite the general trend of the market, designers escape from the lamp to the transistors and integrated circuits. Years later resulted in the execution of dozens of amplifiers for musicians, especially guitar. On Our amplifiers played, among others, Stefan Machel of "TSA" and musicians from the "BIG CYC"
We built a large
sound systems for horn speakers, including speakers from companies such as: Elektrovoice, JBL, Gauss, Fane, Celestion.
After the release of the first CD players, returned to the concept of building tube amps for listening to music. We have performed their little you to order. In most cases, after listening they had better sound than many transistors amplifiers.That's why we decided to bring music enthusiasts tube equipment, such because we are. Mindful hope that the many hours of listening to music does not dissuade you from attending Audiophiles dear to the Philharmonic or jazz clubs, we recommend you our tube amplifiers.
REVIEWS PRESS and not only ...............
1."Black Horse" - Integra : "Audio-Video" nr.06/2001 Ludwik Igielski.2."PV-2" : "Audio-Video" nr.07/2001 Filip Kulpa.
3."HV-1" : "Audio-Video" nr.07/2001 str.36, oceniał Pan Ludwik Igielski.
4."PV-1" : Audio-Video" nr.12/2001 str.44, oceniał Pan Ludwik Igielski.
5."HV-1" : Sound&Vision" nr.06/2002 str.36, oceniał Pan Wojciech Pacuła.
6."HV-1" : "Hi-Fi i Muzyka" nr.09/2002 str.28
1."HV-1" : " Enjoy The Music" (USA): www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/equipment/0103/skorpoinhv1.htm
2."Phonomaster" : LP Magazin Fur Analoges HiFi & Vinyl-Kultur nr.01/2005