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About us
Fonica is an exclusive brand of Audio products directed at the most demanding customers. The highest quality of execution, sophisticated encasement, advanced technology combined with detail oriented execution of the mechanism - all these features place our products on the top of luxurious audio equipment.
All components are hand-made with modern CRC lathes.
Our products are manually polishes, selected and assembled. Our offer combines classical patterns with the latest trends in worldwide design. Fonica assortment is engineered by the most qualified and experienced specialists whose passion is music.
We are proud to inform that FONICA F 802 was featured in one of the biggest magazine for audiophiles POSITIVE FEEDBACKN
„…..This sound can be described in but a few words, and then differentiated further within their scope. Each record has its own depth and "weight." With the Viola, there are no light and trivial discs. It is an obvious homogenizing of the presentation, but what kind of homogenizing it is! With the Fonica, there are no sharp and bright sounding discs. I have no doubt that it means bringing the records to a similar level. At the same time, however, it gives an incredible comfort in listening to even old, technologically inferior discs. Everything sounds smooth and nice. And last but not least, there are no dry sounding discs with the Polish turntable. There is always a strong lower midrange and upper bass. And the whole presentation is based on a deep foundation that has a pretty tonal quality…”
12 -11-2014
Audio SHOW 2014
FONICA on AUDIO Show in Copenhagen
We would like to inform that FONICA turntables were demonstrated in Copenhagen
We would like to inform that FONICA turntables were demonstrated in Paris.
We would like to inform that we are on FACEBOOK.
We would like to inform you that we have updated our products. We present new 2014 models with the highest quality finish. All brass parts are covered with natural gold or black nickel in F 601 model.
We would like to to thank all people visited our showrooms during High End Audio Show Munich 2014. That was really great audio show. We encourage to see photos. The biggest audio show. With over 450 exhibitors displaying 900 different brands. 4 days and over 18.000 visitors
We would like to thank Mr Wally Malewicz for his recent technical support and kind words . Fonica will surely benefit from having such wise frineds in the audiophile world.
Dear Customers, With the Audio Show in Warsaw behind us we encourage to see the photos. During this event we showcased the lastest gold-plated versions of our tonearms
New AUDIO FONICA tonearms
Dear Customers,
After months of work we are ready to manufacture our own signature tonearms. We are very proud with that accomplishement and happily present to you our two newest designs– both made with our „no compromise” policy. In these tonearm constructs we used best quality materials and as usual avoided anything synthetic. Both are finished with brass and anode which toughness up to 60 degrees in Rockwell scale.
The two new models are:
F - 2 (used in F601) and
F - 3 (used in F 802 oraz F 901)
They differ with applied bearings.
Tonearm specifications:
1. Lenght: 9"
2. Overhang: 9,47 mm
3.Effective lenght: 219,13 mm
4.Minmal height above the base: 53 mm
5.Maximal height above the base: 63mm
6.Tonearms depth underneath the base: 28mm
7.Effective mass: 12g
8.Anti-skating: counter-weight system
9.Arms height adjustement: smoothly with a scroll
10.High quality bearings
11. Silver-covered connectors to the cartridge.
New turntable models
Dear Customers,
We would like to inform that we are including new turntable models in our offer - FONICA F 601 and FONICA F 802. These are both hand made turntables manufactured with the highest quality materials equipped with AUDIO FONICA tonearms. They will replace current F600 and F800 models.
Enjoy the Music - Superior Audio Equipment
Dear customers,
We are proud to inform that FONICA F 802 was featured in one of the biggest magazine for audiophiles – „Enjoy the Music”.
„...The Fonica does it by biting into the "gut" of the sound and not trying to analyze everything on the surface, but rather registering it and immediately getting to the heart of the matter. This way we get a presentation that is internally rich and truly complete. It is dense and full of tonal and dynamic nuances. One can listen to it for hours without getting tired or bored. Not aspiring to the title of a "faithful" tool, it gives you more joy than many precise turntables whose designers forgot to fill out the "framework" with content. The Fonica feeds us "meat" rather than bone. It is a weighty, solid machine, designed entirely in-house and carefully manufactured by artisans in Poland. It will bring us joy, put a smile on our face and give us something more a peace of mind. This is the type of presentation that does not push for change, instead focusing our attention on the music, and hence does not stimulate the nerve responsible for Audiophillia Nervosa. A really great device!....”
Whole review:
We are proud to inform that Audio Fonica will attend the largest consumer audio and home entertainment show in the United States - the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Denver. We would like to thank our distributor Gideon Schwartz of Audio Arts for the opportunity to take part in that prestigious show.
On the 18th of may in Wrocław, home to the FUSIC Company, begun a party called "Polska majówka". The goal of the event was to showcase audio systems built only with polish components and what all of them had in common was their source - the Fonica F801 turntable. We invite to take a look at the photo gallery in the link below: STEREOLIFE We send our thanks to the organizer - the FUCIC Company.
On the 14 of may Audio Fonica took part in the Moda&Styl gala as one of the sponsors. As a part of the event we showcased two of our new models - the F 8001 and he F 900 Violin. The turntables both interested and fascinated the invited guests.
We wish to inform you that our telephone number has changed. Its now very simple: +48 697 776 777. Please feel fre to contact us.
Audio Fonica at Audio Show 2012
Audio Fonica will be one of the exhibitors at this year edition of Audio Show 2012 in Warsaw. All interested in visiting our exposition of turntables we invite to Sobieski Hotel at Artur Zawisza Place on 10 to 11 of November.
More about Audio Show:
It is our great pleasure to inform that turntables of the Fonica brand were showcased at the “Audiofil” event which took place in Wrocław. The F 801, due to its amazing sound quality, dynamic low tones and marvelous vocal timbre, turned out to be a sensation. We would like to thank the shows organizer Mr. Piotr Guzek for an unforgettable experience