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Våra Leverantörer
Audio Academy
The company Audio Academy was founded in 2001, but the idea to start manufacturing loudspeakers came much earlier, in mid 90-ties.
The first construction were loudspeakers based on Tonsil drivers. Those were big boxes with a transmission line, which attributed to a powerful bass. At the same time distributors from companies like Visaton and Seas started to appear in Poland. They offered drivers with ready made designs for making loudspeakers, and we used those concepts in our products. We cooperated with people dealing with acoustics for a living, what taught us a lot.
Today we have a lot of experience in constructing loudspeakers. The proof of that are very positive reviews in audiophile press, as well as opinions of people listening to our products.
Warsaw - Jan III Sobieski Hotel
Audio Academy
Power - Gigawatt
Amplifier - Baltlab Endo 2
CD - Wadia
Kablar - Albedo Monolith
Audio Show 2010
Warsaw - Jan III Sobieski Hotel
Audio Academy
Power - Gigawatt
Amplifier - DLS One Black
CD - DLS One Black
Interconnect and speaker cables - Albedo Monolith
Audio Show 2009
Warsaw - hotel Jan III Sobieski
Audio Academy
Power - Gigawatt
Amplifier - Marton Opusculum 0.1.1 MKIV
CD - Bladelius Freja Mk.II
Interconnect and speaker cables - Albedo Monolith