Mycket fint japansk spelare. Servad februari bra skick Denon nål.
by albee213
Great looking, silent, fully automatic and sounds great. SPECs are solid, motor has very low wow and flutter. For me this this is about the perfect turntable. Someday I will upgrade to the DP-47f but if I never find one for the right price this one will be just fine.
by Algaer
I own a Denon DP-37F that I purchased new back in 1984. It is still in mint condition. I have a Fidelity Research MC44 cartridge mounted on it and the sound is extraordinary. I have owned a Dual 1245 , Thorens 160 and an AR manual turntable as well as others and the DP-37F is the best turntable that I have ever owned or operated. At present you would need to spend at least $2000.00 to approximate it's precision and performance. This turntable obviates the need for manual operation although it performs flawlessly in this regard as well.
by mrjosera
Very good automatic turntable with no comparison with any current stuff at three times its price !!!!!
by spot245
Hard to fault in any way , initially skeptic about computerized damping , but performance is incredible with the best tracking ever encountered & no compromise to audio.
'the strongest point of the DP-37F, the one that distinguishes it from most other fine turntables, is the effective servo-control of its arm dynamics. This feature simultaneously reduces the low-frequency arm/cartridge resonance and makes the player nearly immune to the jarring associated with operating its controls or that can result from a less than optimally rigid supporting surface. The DP-37F is a fine record player whose performance matches its good looks and ease of operation'